Consortium meeting in Barcelona: aligning PHOTONFOOD tasks

A rewarding consortium meeting has taken place in Barcelona at the beginning of June, co-organized by the coordinator NMBU and the local PHOTONFOOD partner IRIS.

Benefitting from the opportunity to meet in person, a technical meeting and a Young Researchers’ meeting were preceding the General Assembly to clarify details between the concerned partners – a task much facilitated by face-to-face interaction instead of online meetings.

With these preparatory meetings completed, the General Assembly dived right into the progress updates by all Work Package leaders, discussing the status of tasks as well as the next steps needed by each partner to jointly advance with the development and validation of the PHOTONFOOD technology.

A mixed group of people posing in front of two large cider barrels.

A fantastic dinner, Catalan style, was a great way to recharge our energy for the next day while also informally discussing our plans with fellow project partners.

The second day focused on needs for common outreach material, preparing the periodic report and of course the Review Meeting, at which we will present the PHOTONFOOD progress to the European Commission representative and external experts.

We thank IRIS Technology Solutions for hosting us at the HUB cambra Digital and are looking forward to the Review Meeting in September!